Aligarh: The students, teachers and staff at the Aligarh Muslim University observed the Martyrs' Day with a deep sense of respect for Mahatma Gandhi and other freedom fighters who shed their lives to get independence from the British Empire and break the shackles of slavery and subjugation.
At the Ahmadi School for the Visually Challenged, a special assembly, Nudrat Jahan highlighted the significance of the day and urged the students to become responsible citizens by following the path of truth, compassion and service to humanity which formed the core philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi’s life.
At AMU Girls’ School, a special assembly was organized under the guidance of Principal Amna Malik and Vice Principal Alka Agarwal to reflect on the significance of the day.
Rimsha Zafar Khan, President, Social Science Society, delivered a speech in English, while Pari Varshney, Vice President spoke in Hindi, emphasizing the historical relevance of the day. Minzah Maryam Khan and Aleena read inspiring quotes, and the students observed a one-minute silence to pay respect to Mahatma Gandhi.
The AMU ABK High School (Boys) observed the day by organizing a special assembly, where students paid rich tributes to the brave martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation. One-minute silence was also observed and students delivered speeches in Hindi and English and presented poems on the occasion.
The Principal Dr Samina emphasized the importance of the day and urged the students to remember the brave men and women who laid down their lives for India’s freedom.
A slogan writing and essay writing competition was also organized on this occasion.
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